For the majority of the so-called users, which is closer and more familiar proprietary operating systems of the Windows family and MacOS (iOS), a narrower range of "advanced" IT-Schnick seeks to systems with open source code based on the kernel Linux. The international community in the free mode can such a code to study, test and correct errors. One of the major Linux distributions is Debian - he was at the forefront, taking part in the formation and development of open systems. In 2012, the Debian Free Software turned 19 years old.
Consider the accomplishment of nearly two decades of evolution - the latest stable version of Debian 6.0.6.
There are different ways to get soft Debian: download the installation image directly from the official website, torrent trackers, buy a CD / DVD vendors, or even buy a workstation with a pre-distribution.
In our case, the DVD image was obtained by BitTorrent.
We proceed with the installation. Load the disc, the first thing we see - a boot menu with a choice of special settings (Advanced options) and modes of interaction with the installer (Install - Text and Graphical install - graphic). Download method is selected by default when you press Enter, and if at this stage they needed help - press F1.
We prefer to graphical mode and then rely on the system. Except for a few steps that require differentiation, choose the recommended settings.
Debian translated into dozens of languages, so that the difficulties in understanding should arise.
The operating system is distributed with "mirrors" - servers that store packages available for installation programs. To reduce the load on the primary server, and speed up the preparation of these packets on the best to choose the nearest mirror to itself. Further in the text is an example of adding a new mirror to download alternative for packages not on the main server.
Without further ado, we give the entire disk available to the system and give an indication - all files stored on the same partition. More experienced users to this advice probably would react with skepticism, as in systems based on Linux accepted distribute files on various topics, such as user files are usually stored in / home, like Debian and offered us, but that's another story.
When selecting a software note "Graphical desktop environment" (the default is Gnome), the standard system utilities and software for laptop (just in case, we note that if the object of installation - desktop computer, the latter is not required). The server software is not touched. If the network is successfully set up, expect to download and install the updated packages, or all packages will be installed from the loaded DVD. Voila, your Debian installation is complete!
Перезагружаемся, предварительно вынув установочный DVD.
Reboot, after removing the installation DVD.
And here it is - the login screen rich blue hue. We enter the password specified during installation, and boldly press "Log in".
Desktop environment Gnome, which comes by default, is pleased to welcome new friends. After connecting to the Internet operating system reports (exclamation point in a red star) that already have security updates and offers to accept them. When you click on the exclamation point, a window with a description of upgraded packages. Check for updates occur either automatically or manually. Recommend that you periodically check for updates - just a huge community support, and bug fixes, useful add-ons and upgrades are frequent security.
Desk nothing particularly revolutionary in itself does not carry - the top and bottom by a panel of useful widgets on the surface of three icons: Computer, Home, and Trash by which self-explanatory.
The top panel is located on the left menu applet, bringing together pre-installed applications and system properties. Further there are two application buttons - Epiphany web browser and email client Evolution. Right, in order: Hours (current time and date), volume control, switch between running programs windows, LED connectivity and laptop battery charge indicator (if the OS is put on the laptop).
At the bottom left is a desktop applet Clearance, which is competent to minimize the active window, and right - applet switching desktops. What is it for? Agree, it is convenient to group applications by occupation, for example, work on the first table, entertainment in the second, playing his wife - in the third. This location does not get lost in a variety of open source software, allowing you to focus on the priorities of the moment.
Before turning to an examination of pre-installed software, dwell on the question of mirrors. Debian package management repository is assigned to the package manager apt-get or on it (for many users a more convenient) add aptitude. The main slogan manager apt-get is as follows: «If you can't apt-get something, it isn't useful or doesn't exist.», That means - "If there is something you can not find it in the repository, it is either do not need or do not exist. "- an allusion to the fact that you can find, basically, everything. As already noted, the mirrors - it servers that store the installation of various software packages. But many developers do not provide their own packages official mirrors, and lay them at home. So, to be able to install this third-party software, you have to add the server to the file / etc / apt / sources.list.
After saving the configuration file to apply the changes and update the list of available packages, execute the following command: sudo apt-get update or sudo aptitude update.
On the additional repositories, packages can be found on the official website as Debian, and the related resources, such as Useful repositories for Debian.
C installation DVD operating system Debian 6.0.6 comes c such software:
Audio and Video
As a video player uses Totem, familiar to users Gnome. If desired, you can install alternatives - mplayer or vlc, executing commands in a terminal sudo apt-get install mplayer or sudo apt-get install vlc, and enjoy a familiar interface.
Occupies a niche audio player program Rhytmbox.
Fans of other media work environment, for example, KDE, prefer (and probably install) or music player Amarok is rapidly gaining momentum DeadBeef.
Here developers suggest to use one of the most powerful raster image editing software - GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), which is practically in no way inferior to the utmost extent publicized and, more importantly, very expensive Adobe Photoshop. Preference for one of them - a matter of habit, but as they say, why pay more? Illustrating an overview of Debian, made by means of GIMP without the slightest inconvenience in terms of functionality, with a pleasant feeling of purity licensed as a bonus.
Expected present program cataloging photographs, drawing from the suite and editing vector graphics tool Inkscape, competes with, again, not cheap analogues Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.
Interesting fact for those who doubt or do not want to move to an open operating system, but is interested in opportunities crumbs Deb - described programs are available in versions for Windows and MacOS, unlike their private counterparts, whose creators cautiously look towards systems based on core Linux.
Also, Debian boasts one of the strongest tools 3D-modeling - Blender, which brilliantly cope with work inspirational Maya and 3D Max. After executing the command in a terminal: sudo apt-get install blender, Blender will be able to take advantage of us.
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