среда, 19 июня 2013 г.

best games 2012 - new games for pc

Bioshock Infinite

Developer: Irrational Games
Publisher: 2K Games
Genre: first-person shooter
Release date: 2012
After the release of the original Bioshock, Ken Levine immediately started the development of Bioshock Infinite. In 1900, U.S. scientists have built the most ambitious project in the world - the floating city of Columbia. This is where a private detective Booker DeUitt looking for a missing Elizabeth. The new game will not be the Big Daddy and Adam giving superpowers. But instead they are expected to far more terrible Hendimen and tonics, and the process will remain the same interest.  

Borderlands 2

Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Genre: first-person shooter
Release date: 2012 

Borderlands 2 - sample of a typical sequel. Aware of it just enough to have the desire to expect it. The developers promise to pay more attention to the story, so that even the secondary characters will not stand stock-still, and learn to move on the locations and will share their experiences with the characters. The main characters, by the way, also four, but they are new. The rest should Gearbox proven formula: more exciting quests, more unique weapons, sophisticated role-playing system.

Darksiders 2

Developer: Vigil Games
Published by: THQ
Genre: Action
Release date: 2012
THQ continues to flirt with a religious theme, and this time, players will find themselves in the shoes of the other Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Death itself. Darksiders 2 events take place in parallel with the first part, when the war came down to earth to punish those responsible for the premature end of the world. That's a noble rider's death, too, was not opposed to punish traitors. Due to physical weakness hero of the battle will become much more dynamic, and the player will be much larger selection of armor and weapons. 

Devil May Cry

  Developer: Ninja Theory
Publisher: Capcom Entertainment
Genre: Action
Release date: 2012
Immediately after the announcement of DMC unless the lazy did not throw stones at developers. Criticized them mainly for the new appearance of the hero. Like, Dante is now more like a glamorous guy from "Twilight" than a brutal fighter of demons. But the studio did not go on about the players and has remained true to herself. Ninja Theory has changed not only the look of the hero, but also its history - the action will be developed from the ground up, not looking back at the events of the previous parts. And the combat system becomes a little easier. 

Diablo III

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: Role Playing Game
Release date: I quarter 2012
Wait for the next long-term construction of Blizzard - is like counting the days until the New Year: each next will go more slowly last. And surprisingly, the competitors at the Diablo series sprung up like mushrooms after the rain. One benefits from the more beautiful graphics, the other via an interesting co-op, the third plunges into a fascinating story. But Diablo III is still waiting. The third part is the center of evil "Fallen Star" - an artifact that turns people into horrible creatures. 

Far Cry 3

    Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Genre: first-person shooter
Release date: 2012
Instead of a dusty African Ubisoft sends us back to the tropics. As before, Far Cry 3 will not be corridor shooter - you can always choose what to do in any given situation. For example, quietly sneak behind enemy backs, wielding a pistol with a silencer and throwing knives in the forehead curious soldiers. Another option - the ready with an AK-74 burst into the thick of things, blow up a gas can and throw a grenade at his feet astonished the guard. Interfere with the player will be a hell of a charismatic villain Waas. 

Grand Theft Auto V
   Developer: Rockstar North
Published by: Rockstar Games
Genre: Action
Release date: 2012

There is a long tradition: Rockstar put a new number in the GTA games in the series only in cases where we are waiting for something incredible. At this time, hard to believe, because the next generation console has not yet been announced, which means, at a minimum schedule will remain at the same level as in GTA IV. But hope springs eternal. The game will unfold in Los Santos - one of the cities of GTA: San Andreas. Will and suburban areas such as forests, steppes and small villages. The developers explained their choice of more vibrant atmosphere and sunny weather. 


Hitman: Absolution

   Developer: IO Interactive
Published by: Square Enix
Genre: Stealth-action game
Release date: 2012
Returning sullen killer with a barcode on the back of his head - a landmark event. After all, a new game - a complete next part with all the ensuing consequences. The authors finally changed the engine, so visually Absolution looks very nice: excellent animated characters cast credible shadows in the street pours natural rain, and from the look on the texture no longer have to pucker. Prettier and a hero. In addition, he had the ability to "Instinct", which will show the line of sight of enemies and their degree of concentration. 


    Developer: Saber Interactive
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Genre: Action
Release Date: February 7, 2012
Flirting with the physics of Saber Interactive - business professional. Instead of cities - ruins everything in the fire, the remaining buildings are falling apart right before our eyes. The picture is suitable for the scenario of the apocalypse, but humans are not faced with the threat of the Bible, and from an alien invasion. On the mechanics of the game similar to Gears of War with a significant difference - in some places the invaders put the field in which the laws of gravity are changed beyond recognition. Having proper "gun", the player will be able to press the enemy to the ceiling, such as a car. 

Mass Effect 3

Developer: BioWare
Published by: Electronic Arts
Genre: Action
Release Date: March 6, 2012
Mass Effect 3 has become the biggest game in the series. Judge for yourself. The galaxy is in danger, the Earth is almost completely destroyed, all the intelligent races give fight the Reapers, and they did not give up. Players should prepare for meetings with dozens of old friends, breathtaking plot twists and prettier graphics. BioWare felt that the atmosphere in Mass Effect 2 was too dark, so the third part will be more colorful. Otherwise, this game is far gone from the second part. 

Max Payne 3


Developer: Rockstar Vancouver
Published by: Rockstar Games
Genre: Action
Release date: March 2012 

A former cop Max Payne difficult way of life: he had to lose a child, a wife, faithful companions, work, and at the same time to shed a lot of blood. Hard and he is given access to the monitors. Besides the fact that Max Payne 3 is constantly transferred, the authors decided to change the course of the series. Max bald, more like some kind of criminal, and from New York, moved to Brazil. Mechanics of the game will keep shots with two hands in a jump and deceleration time, and the main menu appears the line "multiplayer".

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    Developer: Platinum Games
Publisher: Konami
Genre: Action
Release date: 2012
Looking at what the developers do with MGR: Revengeance, you know: the hero will not have to sit in cardboard boxes, waiting for enemy turns away. The new part - is, rather, an attempt to attract new players to the series, because it is now more like a slasher than a stealth-action game. Cybernated Raiden rushes through the levels with a samurai sword, deftly cuts the enemies to pieces and almost oblivious to the bullets. The main feature of the game - you can cut anything and whatever. 

Metro: Last Light

    Developer: 4A Games
Published by: THQ
Genre: first-person shooter
Release date: March 2012
4A Games has decided that she did not have the strength to recount the events of the second book D. Glukhovski, and go your own way. In the end, Last Light continues to one of the endings of the original. In general, the game is rather a lot of work on the bugs - promised distinct stealth Poumnevshie opponents and impressive shooting. 

Prey 2

    Developer: Human Head Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Genre: first-person shooter
Release date: 2012
Quite unexpectedly, the authors change the concept of the game, so the protagonist of Prey 2 is not an Indian. Killian Semuelsu far from Faith of Mirror's Edge, but the police have taught him a lot. The new fighter aliens does not disdain to sit on their haunches in the shade, but it is quite capable and acrobatics, and has a stock of more than a dozen gadgets for different purposes. However, not only the strength of will to deal with the threat of Killian - his social skills are also good. 


Prototype 2

  Developer: Radical Entertainment
Publisher: Activision Publishing
Genre: Action
Release date: April 24, 2012
What if the characters of the original game developed his skills so much that can optionally even the whole city to the ground? That's right, give the player a chance to kill him. Following this logic, the authors Prototype 2 will put us in the skin of Sergeant James Heller. Newly infected with the hero wants revenge and wants to kill Alex (the same character). In addition to the new character, we are waiting for capital work on the mistakes made in the first part. 


После анонса Syndicate некоторые игроки обвиняли Starbreeze Studios в плагиате — слишком уж игра казалась похожей на недавнюю Deus Ex: HR. Однако эти игры объединяет лишь мрачное будущее да киберпанк в целом. Герою Syndicate и не снились металлические конечности или возможность выпускать из тела десятки мини-гранат. Чаще всего Майлз Кило действует по старинке. Впрочем, благодаря чипу DART-6, иной раз он может и «хакнуть» чужой мозг или ближайшую турель.
Первый взгляд
The Darkness II
  • Разработчик: Digital Extremes
  • Издатель: 2K Games
  • Жанр: экшен от первого лица
  • Дата выхода: 7 февраля 2012 года
Игроков, знакомых с первой частью, The Darkness II удивляет, прежде всего, обновленной стилистикой. От мрачных улочек бандитского Нью-Йорка не осталось и следа — на смену им пришли мультяшные антуражи а-ля Borderlands, созданные при помощи технологии cell-shading. По-видимому, авторы решили, что так игра будет ближе к оригинальному комиксу. Но Джеки Эстакадо остался на месте, а вместе с ним — и его щупальца. Неординарный глава мафиозного клана снова ввязывается в войну.
The Last of Us
The Last of Us стала для многих самым неожиданным анонсом этого года. Игра от создателей Uncharted, к которым присоединился дизайнер Enslaved, повествует о страшной катастрофе уровня «Я — легенда». Американские города не смогли выстоять против угрозы заражения. Страшная болезнь превращает людей в сильных зомби. Джоэл и Элли — не профессиональные бойцы и наверняка никогда не держали в руках пистолет. Они просто хотят выжить и убраться подальше из этого проклятого места.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Серия Ghost Recon претерпела уже столько изменений, что фанатам оригинала больно на нее смотреть. Однако Future Soldier не похожа на примитив уровня «беги-стреляй». Солдаты не отличаются большой живучестью, а у костюма-невидимки ограниченный заряд. Поэтому не остается ничего, кроме как запускать для разведки беспилотник, пользоваться сонаром, тихо подкрадываться к врагам сзади, стрелять из пистолета с глушителем и максимально плотно взаимодействовать с напарниками.
Первый взгляд
Tomb Raider
  • Разработчик: Crystal Dynamics
  • Издатель: Square Enix
  • Жанр: экшен
  • Дата выхода: IV квартал 2012 года
Будучи совсем юной студенткой, Лара Крофт уже испытывала тягу к приключениям. Отправившись в путешествие на корабле, героиня попала в сильный шторм и была выброшена на необитаемый остров. Или все же обитаемый? В новой части Tomb Raider не будет перестрелок, зато планируется много щекотливых ситуаций, головоломок, акробатики и неосторожных переломов, серьезно влияющих на прохождение.
Первый взгляд
Twisted Metal
В психоделичную Twisted Metal не играл в середине 90-х только человек, совсем далекий от электронных развлечений. Слегка двинутый Калипсо организовывал чемпионат для лучших гонщиков, в котором главным призом было исполнение любого желания. Проигравшему же оставалась только смерть. И теперь, спустя много лет, безумные гонки с возможностью выстрелить ракетой в бампер соперника возвращаются. Авторы обещают много новых режимов, управляемые вертолеты и еще больше веселья.
  • Разработчик: 2K Marin
  • Издатель: 2K Games
  • Жанр: экшен от первого лица
  • Дата выхода: 2012 год
Вопреки мнению многих фанатов, перерождение серии может быть хорошей встряской для игры. Вот и новая часть XCOM выглядит сейчас как вполне самостоятельный шутер. Даром что в качестве разработчиков выступают люди, набившие руку на Bioshock 2. Помимо стрельбы, игрок будет заниматься наймом новых бойцов, развитием собственных навыков и сбором инопланетных технологий.
Первый взгляд

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