четверг, 17 июля 2014 г.

programms for twitter .Twitter clients download.Programs for massfollowing

program for Twitter. Twitter clients

Twitter client
Programs for massfollowing


Expert on social networks laboratory www.SarafannoeRadio.org proposed list of 60 software applications to improve efficiency in the social network Twitter. In the list of the following groups of Twitter clients:

1. For interface - 14 services, Twitter clients.

2. For design - 6 services, Twitter clients.

3. For statistics - 16 services, Twitter clients.

4. For misspelling - 7 services, a Twitter client.

5. For exchange services - 17 services, Twitter clients.

Interface, Twitter clients

Echofon - installing FireFox extensions TwitterFox, now Echofon for FireFox.. Lets you track: recent, mentions and messages. Functions: add to favorites, post, reply to messages, insert links and additional settings. Released version Echofon for Mac and Echofon for iPhone (Free and PRO). http://echofon.com
Hashtags - service, which enables you to find messages by tags. http://hashtags.org

Splitweet client to manage multiple accounts, you can read from and write to multiple Twitter accounts simultaneously. http://ru.splitweet.com

Tweetbots - multiposting in an unlimited number of accounts, with automatic follow joined followers (those who added the user), and publishing on the page the user of Twitter RSS feeds. http://tweethopper.com

TweetDeck is a very functional client with services of short links, support groups, publishing photos and separate columns in different places for messages: follow, reply and direct messages. http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta

Tweetree - service, reflecting comments to messages in the form of a tree, to organize information for large discussions with a large number of messages from all participants. http://tweetree.com

Twihrl , twhirl, twirl client built in Adobe Air that supports all major platforms, which can simultaneously connect to multiple Twitter accounts, informs about new tweets, shorten long URL (using snurl or is.gd)can do cross-post entries in Pownce and Jaiku,multiple accounts and automatically reduces links. C ugrojaet images to TwitPic, looking for tweets (using TweetScan or terraminds), filuet the list of messages, using different color schemes, keeps tabs search queries on Twitter, has a search tweets that mention @username, spell checking and recording video. Works with Mac OS and Windows. http://www.twhirl.org , http://twhirl.ru

Twitblogs is a service that allows you to add to your tweet additional text, image, and video. http://www.twitblogs.com/twitblogs

Twitrans service free translation of messages on Twitter, with 14 of the most popular languages that are several minutes are not machines, and people company OneHourTranslation. http://twitrans.onehourtranslation.com

TwitTangle - service-alternative to using Twitter Lists to control followername using tags. http://www.twittangle.com

TwitterBar - service that gives the opportunity to increase the interest to my microblog due to permanent accommodation in posts good links. Meeting interesting sites you can link to them in his microblog on Twitter, even without going to do this in Twitter, using TwitterBar. Finding interesting material, which has a desire to share on Twitter, you can send a message to Twitter with the address of the website. The message can be written directly in the address bar before the page address and then press the button "Send to Twitter". https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4664

Twuffer is the Twitter client with a timer, through which you can write a message in Twitter with date and time for its placement. Used for congratulations, reminders, different time zones and even distribution of publications of interesting material. http://twuffer.com

Untweeps service that allows automatically delete long been not renovated followers. http://untweeps.com

WittyTwitter - compact, minimalist, simple and very functional Twitter client that allows you to write retweets and personal messages with one button. Has fine-tune the period of the updates. A handy feature is the decoupling of direct references to the user and retweets from shared feeds. http://code.google.com/p/wittytwitter

Design, Twitter clients

Backtype is a beautiful button that can be used for decoration design when interacting with Twitter. http://www.backtype.com/widgets/tweetcount

Twitbacks - service-generating ways to create unique personal background on Twitter. http://www.twitbacks.com

TwitPic service, which works with images. Downloading and uploading of the image links in Twitter. Works with your phone and API. http://twitpic.com

Twittergallery - Twitter client that allows you to change the topic on Twitter with one click. The service is free of finished variants of templates for Twitter. http://www.twittergallery.com

Twitterpatterns service free of finished variants of templates for Twitter. http://twitterpatterns.com

Yfrog - similar programs TwitPic, with Russian-speaking interface. http://www.yfrog.com

See also Branding background on Twitter

Statistics, Twitter clients

Friendorfollow, Friend or Follow - service for easy viewing of followers different Twitter accounts. After entering your login, you can get 3 categories of followers. The Following are what the user sees, and they followed him there. Fans - those who follow the user, but he does not follow them. Friends - mutual following. http://friendorfollow.com

Listorious - Twitter client directory lists on Twitter, where you can set the necessary parameters and find interesting subscription in different categories. http://listorious.com

MyCleener - service for automatic removal of inactive followers. http://www.mycleenr.com

Retweetrank - Twitter client, reflecting the popularity records user and rank them against each other. http://www.retweetrank.com

Strawpollnow (Morav) - services for опросов.http://morav.strawpollnow.com

Tweet Rank - service with detailed statistics add and remove user, depending on its message. http://www.tweet-rank.de/?lang=en

Tweetoclock - Twitter client tracking the time of using your Twitter account. Is used to determine the optimal time for communication with the right people. Indications of service rather for those users that longer in Twitter. http://tweetoclock.com

TwetMeme - service, bringing the messages button to each post, and reflecting the number of users, sreagirovatj to the message. Looking for the greatest number of mentions in various lists. http://tweetmeme.com

TweetMeme Lists - as TwetMeme allows you to track the most popular tweets. http://lists.tweetmeme.com

TwitterCounter - counter for statistics on Twitter. http://twittercounter.com

TwitterFriends - Twitter client that lets after you enter the login, get statistics different accounts on Twitter. http://twitter-friends.com

Twitterholic service statistics on Twitter. http://twitterholic.com

Twittervision-service, with a map of the planet, reflecting the most recent tweets. http://beta.twittervision.com

TwtrFrnd - Twitter client that lets you compare multiple accounts for finding common friends. http://twtrfrnd.com

Useqwitter - service, allowing you after you enter the login and e-mail, to obtain a list of the former, that is unsubscribed of followers. http://useqwitter.com

Who follows whom service for easy viewing of followers different accounts Twitter. http://whofollowswhom.com

Misspelling, Twitter clients

Friendorfollow, Friend or Follow - service for easy viewing of followers different Twitter accounts. After entering your login, you can get 3 categories of followers. The Following are what the user sees, and they followed him there. Fans - those who follow the user, but he does not follow them. Friends - mutual following. http://friendorfollow.com

Justtweetit - Twitter client for facilitating the search of tvitteryan with similar and common interests to join in the group. http://justtweetit.com

Lessfriends - the service that allows you to track and remove followers not safolovich in response. http://lessfriends.com

Socialoomph - Twitter client that allows you to form groups, to unsubscribe from followers, not safolovich in response, and automatically subscribe to their vollversion. http://www.socialoomph.com

Tweexchange - service, quickly checking names on Twitter and similar names on employment. http://tweexchange.com

Twitterator - Twitter client that allows you to enter data for the user page of Twitter with a large number of accounts, and send them an invitation follow. http://twitterator.org

Twollow service automatically adds follow keyword. Automatically followed users, who wrote a particular word. Used for the development of brands. http://twollow.com

Currency services, Twitter clients

Arrivedok - service of mobile applications for Twitter, lowers the cost of SMS and data transmission. Mobile service for travellers, which automatically notifies friends, relatives and friends of the landing user at the destination airport. http://www.arrivedok.mobi/index.do

Flicktotwitt - service, reporting to Twitter about changes in Flickr'e. http://flicktotwitt.com/index.php

Hootsuite for a Twitter client that lets you customize the RRC with a website or blog on Twitter. For that upcoming blog posts automatically placed on Twitter. The service offers a lot of other useful options for Twitter, in particular the ability to coordinate multiple Twitter accounts. http://hootsuite.com

Ping multiposting in various social networks and microblogging. http://ping.fm

RuTwi - retweet button for service users RuTwi.ru. http://retweet.com/button

Twe2 - Twitter client that allows you to receive SMS with a direct message and replay. http://twe2.com

Tweet3 - service,

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